Recensioner - western dvd, westernridning och westernträning.
Bob Mayhews westerndvd The Basic Principles of Western Riding - Why and How har sålts över hela världen! Bob Mayhews western dvd är ett tidlöst utbildnings-program på dvd i westernridning och hur man tränar en westernhäst men metoderna fungerar för alla riddiscipliner! Läs vad världens mest kända hästsporttidningar samt hästtränare skriver om detta utbildningsprogram i westernträning.
Westernryttare över hela världen har mångfaldigt uttryckt sina uppskattningar för Bob Mayhews pedagogiska westernträning i westernridning.
Här är en samanställning på några av de omdömen programmet fått genom åren.
For anyone interested in any aspect of Western riding, this refreshing video is a must. Given that the instruction is being delivered by Bob Mayhew, the first and only european ever to be invited to judge an NRHA Futurity, and the holder of four internationally recognised judging cards (NRHA, AQHA, APHA and NCHA), the viewer is sure to appreciate the skill and care with which this video was put together.
The quality 90 minute tape, produced by the Swedish company Visuell Kommunikation AB, covers foal handling through to the finished horse and is probably the most systematically comprehensive training tool of its type to be found. Throughout the education of any horse for any discipline, Mayhew stresses two things – putting a correct basic foundation on the horse and taking the time to go back to basics before teaching anything new to the horse or before competition.
By making sure the foundations are laid correctly, Mayhew notes that the rider also benefits by learning to use and apply his/her hands, seat and legs correctly and effectively – things that will become automatic as time goes by. To illustrate this, and many other points, Mayhew thoroughly covers all common problem area at all levels of training. Beginning with the early handling of foals (in preparation for the futures under saddle), Mayhew introduces the viewer to some interesting techniques that work towards this end. These techniques become a common thread that is extended throughout the training of the young/green horse and onto maintaining peak performances from the finished horse.
Early ground-work, lungeing and the use of different types of headgear and bits are discussed, followed by ongoing ridden work on various horses at certain stages of education. As the training program expands, Mayhew introduces several suppling/softening exercises such as the direct bend snake trail and the indirect bend snake trail. He also takes the viewer through circle and two-track work, shoulder and hip control exercises, preparations for canter departures, lead changes, sliding stops, roll-backs, turnarounds (spins), speed control and much more.
At all times, Mayhew promotes time-taking, repetition and diplomacy in order to achieve a happy, light, willing and confident mount that is suitable for any discipline. With his training philosophy firmly grounded in the teachings of the great horsemasters, Tom Dorrance and Ray Hunt, Mayhew guides the viewer through the training process in a clear and concise manner – with a good deal of humour to boot.
Whether the viewer is a novice or an experienced horseperson, Bob Mayhews latest offering is definitely a must for the reference library.
Margaret Oakden The Australian Quarter Horse & Western Breeds Magazine Australia.
USA (Western Horsman, American Quarterhorse, Cowboys and Indians, Horse & Rider, Paint Horse Journal, AQHA judge Pete Bowling, NRHA judge Jody Brainard)
Sverige (Hästfocus, Hästjournalen, Anna Löf, Gun-Britt Blomdahl Nya westernhästen)
Danmark (Ridehesten, Western Riders Express)
Norge (Ridehesten)
Finland (Hippos, Ratsastus)
Tyskland(Western Horsemanship Magazine)
Storbritannien (AQHA UK, Western Equestrian Society)
Australien (The Australian Quarter Horse & Western Breeds Magazine)
Estland (Esti EQUUS)
Nederländerna (Bit Hoefslag)
Schweiz (Western News)